Like all other colors, there are hundreds of different shades of brown: sepia, burnt sienna, chestnut, tumbleweed, etc. One very unique hue that never made it into the Crayola box is "dorm room brown." If you've lived it, you also know that it is, shall we say, less than flattering. College dorms are designed for basic functionality, not for style, taste, or personality. But no two 1st-year students are the same, and shouldn't that be reflected in their new digs?
Dormify certainly thinks so. We partnered with them to produce a Gen-Z commercial showcasing how they provide everything needed to bring your vibe with you on move-in day.
Being in Boulder, CO, we naturally reached out to the University of Colorado to shoot a dorm room on their campus. After receiving a small mountain of product from Dormify, we completely transformed the room, then shot everything in reverse order, stripping it back down to its bland beginnings. Some stop motion and split screen trickery were used to show our roommates' different styles coming together.
One room. One production day. And a whole lot of art direction.