Higher education is a big deal. A college degree effects one's career, character, and future. It's also literally big because there are a zillion options for how to go about it, many of which involve massive campuses with even more massive tuition costs. One way to cut this particular Gordian knot is the uniquely 21st-century possibility of online courses.
When we partnered with Western Governor's University, true to the all-encompassing nature of college education, they came with a big campaign that would include commercials for four different schools: health, business, education, and I.T. That's a wide range indeed, and so we knew this project would need a lot of talent, a lot of locations, and a lot of crew to make it happen. It takes an army to run a school, and it turns out so too does it for commercial video production.
For some things it's true that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In this case, we think the parts are greater than the whole. Passion becomes potential. Potential becomes promise. And promise becomes production.