Someone once said “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey…” We’re not sure who said it, but it’s profound and fitting for our 2013! This year, we worked on some unique projects and met some incredibly passionate people. Hotels, craft services, coffee, red bulls and PBR’s, just a few of the things that kept us running. We flew in helicopters, hang gliders and airplanes. In the difficult circumstances, we learned how to grow and further support collaboration. We can’t help but be stoked and appreciative.
Thanks to all our incredibly talented and hard working crew, friends, family and everyone who got their hands dirty with us…we could not have done it without you! We raise a glass and are pumped to cheers to a great year and get ready to hit the ground running in 2014.
As our world is visually driven, here’s a glimpse into life this past year.
Click on this link to see the full Facebook album of pictures:
Happy New Years!
The LSP Crew