About 7 months ago we teamed up with a local criterium bike race in the Queen City. They centered the race around an area called NoDa or North Davidson. It’s such a cool and creative spot in Charlotte with rich arts and culture, a perfect place for a criterium bike race. The race was an incredible success and knocked it out of the park for the first year expectations. We amassed some serious footage and ideas and put together the below video.
The even bigger story here and the reason for this post is what the NoDa GP Directors did with the funds…they built two wells in Uganda through the non-profit Global H2o. I think they say it best on the impact and legacy of those wells:
“With the funds that were raised from the 2012 NoDa GP we were able to install a well for two schools in Kitgum, Uganda. This well will provide clean water for over 2000 kids and locals. The kids will no longer have to walk long distances to get water from unsanitary locations. This will improve the time that they are able to study and they will miss fewer school days from being sick."
This is the real and true success of the race this year and what makes us so proud and excited to be a part of telling it’s story. We for sure hope next year is even bigger and better, making that much more of a difference in Kitgum. Well done guys, here’s to 2013.